Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blast from the Past

Now that the IBEW Collective Bargaining Agreement is on the Consent Agenda (if this is not pulled for discussion, it passes automatically) for April 5, here's a blast from the past--

October 5, 2004

B. (Reordered) Collective Bargaining agreement with the Lake Worth International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union.

Labor Attorney/Human Resources Director Allan Sirmans (remember him?...He's the guy that was caught with a loaded gun in his car) said the City had a long negotiated process that was good for both the employees and the City. Mike Morris, Union representative, said the IBEW Union was pleased with the agreement.

Action : Motion made by Commissioner Burns and seconded by Commissioner Lowe to approve the Collective Bargaining agreement with the Lake Worth International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union.

Voice vote showed : AYES : Mayor Romano ; Vice Mayor McKinnon ; and
Commissioners Lowe, Burns, and Egly. NAYS: None.

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