Saturday, March 19, 2011

Solutions by City Manager Susan Stanton to Lake Worth's Budgetary problems

City Manager Susan Stanton wants to solve the shortfall in our Budget. The Unions are not cooperating. She has introduced the following proposals:
  • Lay-off 70 workers
  • Reduce services with the PBSO
  • Special assessment for fire rescue where every household would pay the same fee (tax)
  • Special assessment for street lights
  • Reestablishing our own fire department

Good News:
Reduce the cost of electricity by 5%

With some of the above cuts and taxes, (they are taxes no matter how you slice the cake), the shortfall can be reduced from an estimated $4.6 million to $800,000 according to the City Manager.

There will be a Special City Commission Meeting on Monday, March 21 at 5pm at City Hall.

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