Monday, March 9, 2009

Going way beyond the norm

Last year more than 62 million people in our country volunteered their time to a worthy cause—a charity, helping the elderly, serving on a volunteer board or taking on a political cause, as examples. This is noteworthy. We are a country of “givers” and we have learned it is much more satisfying because we are actually attempting to make a difference.

The more people we can rally to our case, the more likely the issue is taken seriously and that we can actually influence change. Sometimes an issue needs much more than the banner waving in order to stand up for justice. That is what James McCauley and Laurence McNamara did.

James McCauley

After reading the agreement with Greater Bay, they were sure that the lease was illegal. The City, because of politics, did not agree with their assessment. So, McCauley and McNamara sued and they prevailed. And we no longer have Greater Bay in our City.

Laurence McNamara

Now some people can take light of their involvement that went way over anything the average person could ever do or afford to do, but they put their necks out there and put their money where their mouth is. If they had lost, they would have had to pay the City’s legal fees. They knew they were right. They also knew that the City had committed an egregious act against the residents here. Granted, most people don’t have this kind of money to defend a cause, stand up for the interests of the public at large especially when it is not a monetary gain to them. We expect our City to be standing up for us on a daily basis. We never expect private citizens to do it for us.

We all should be thanking them over and over again for their involvement for without them, we would now have Greater Bay building a 50 foot building across from Benny’s, our upper parking would be long gone, our merchants gone and our casino demolished.

It is a sad day when two citizens have to keep a city honest but a proud day for all the rest of us.

Thanks Jim and Laurence. Now let’s please get this beach refurbishment done!

Read the Motion to Dismiss