Monday, March 23, 2009

Freedom of Speech

I thought the Cara Jennings getting arrested story would be over but lo and behold I get to the Opinion section of the Post just now and there are three letters published in support of Commissioner Jenning’s Constitutional right to do what she did. And as one letter pointed out, this city is housed with immigrants, free-thinkers, old hippies, artists, etc., giving that as the excuse for being thrown in jail as acceptable. Breaking the law is never acceptable.

No one has ever said that she didn’t have the right. What people said was she, being an elected official and representative of the City of Lake Worth, should have had more respect for her office, respect for common sense, more respect for the people she serves, more respect for the laws, more respect for authority and MOVED to the other side of the street when asked to do so. But no, she refused believing that her authority was higher than the law.

As quoted, “Andrew Rosenkranz, the Florida regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, said many of the rallies around the U.S. protesting the Israeli government's actions have attracted anti-Israel extremists. Because of that, Rosenkranz called Jennings' participation in the Miami event "disturbing at the very least." The Anti-Defamation League has been fighting anti-Semitism and bigotry of all kinds. Its ultimate purpose is to “secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.”

Personally, I don’t think anyone really cares why Cara Jennings went to Miami with her leftist friends in order to once again, protest for something. I think it is “protesting” that turns them on, not the cause. It’s sort of like they awaken in the morning and decide what to do next. Oh, let’s use stilts today. No one has said that is not her right. Getting arrested is also her right. It is time now to grow up and be a City Commissioner and with that comes the responsibility of representing this City well and to the best of her ability. She did not do that when she got arrested. The Commissioner represents all of the people here, not just her liberal friends.

The Freedom of Speech is not absolute. I like Cara for many things but Commissioner, you were wrong on this one.