Sunday, August 18, 2024

Vivek on Tim Walz

NBC viewers were stunned when Vivek Ramaswamy explained how Tim Walz’s left-wing record could be Kamala Harris’ kryptonite

Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

This is the most far-Left Democrat Presidential ticket in history.

Since the base of the Democrat Party opposes Israel, and Shapiro was an officer in the IDF, Harris ended up selecting a radical left-wing extremist as her running mate.

This is what Vivek told them:
  • Tim Walz is as far Left as they get.
  • As Governor, he has been a champion of the Left’s woke agenda.
  • He signed a law that allows children to get sex-change operations in Minnesota and he required schools to stock tampons in the boys’ bathrooms.
  • Walz handed out free college tuition and driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.
  • He allowed Black Lives Matter thugs to riot and burn Minneapolis to the ground after the death of George Floyd.
  • During the pandemic, Walz was a champion of lockdowns and mandates
  • He even set up a hotline for people to snitch on their neighbors for not wearing a facemask.
  • Walz signed a bill that allows abortion-on-demand up until birth and he supports every gun control scheme put forward by Democrats
Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a surprise that NBC would allow Vivek on their show, the are liberal lunatics, Nicole and joy are such haters, never watch and legacy or liberal cable news anymore!