Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jury awards Lake Worth Beach Postal Carrier almost $6 million in garbage truck crash

Jury only took one hour to give its verdict

Christy Trimbath is leaning into her mail truck when a city garbage truck slams into the back of her vehicle, throwing Trimbath forward onto her face and head.

Her lawyer, Scott Smith, said Trimbath suffered serious injuries — some that will last for life — and it's because of the city’s driver’s negligence, which the city is responsible for.

"She’s emotional. She’s so grateful, so thankful for this jury of six recognizing how in an instant her life was changed forever, and she’s incredibly grateful," said Smith.


Anonymous said...

This is a shocking video

Anonymous said...

I know I see the garbage and recycling trucks drive so fast where we live and the speed limit is low, they go like 50mph in a 30mph road. Our city workers today are lawless.

Anonymous said...

Well just one more lawsuit that the city lost ... That's okay we'll just get another bond to pay for all this lawsuit