Sunday, August 11, 2024

FBI Director keeps warning Biden/Harris Administration that we're in danger

3000% Surge in Terror Watchlist Illegal Entries Prompts Concerns Over National Security

A new report from the House Judiciary Committee has exposed a dramatic rise in the number of illegal immigrants on the terror watchlist entering the United States.

Under Vice President Kamala Harris’s oversight as the Biden administration’s border czar, at least 375 individuals on the terror watchlist have been apprehended at the southwest border. This marks a more than 3,000% increase compared to the Trump administration.

With the border in chaos under the Biden-Harris Administration, the terrorist threat to the homeland has skyrocketed. This border insecurity has been the Administration’s choice, and it is a mistake.

As detailed in the 9/11 Commission Report, “[i]n the decade before September 11, 2001, border security—encompassing travel, entry, and immigration—was not seen as a national security matter.” As a result, Islamic extremist terrorists were able to carry out a terrorist attack on U.S. soil that killed nearly 3,000 Americans.

More than two decades later, national security experts are again sounding the alarm about the increasing chance of terrorism in the United States due to the Biden-Harris Administration’s open-borders policies.

A former FBI assistant director publicly warned just weeks ago about a potential terrorist attack emanating from the border crisis. Director Wray testified that he is “increasingly concerned that foreign terrorists could seek to exploit vulnerabilities at our southwest border or at other ports of entry, or in other aspects of our immigration system, to facilitate an attack here in the United States.

Why doesn't Harris do her job? Why do they ignore the advice of the FBI?  Anyone voting for Harris/Walz is nuts and have no love for this country and believe in America Last.



Anonymous said...

They always say it is white nationalists, lots of setups, like what they did to those guys in Michigan with that FBI setup, we have a lot of government gangsters running this country now, Kash Patel is right, pure evil slaves for Satan! Most white Americans love their country and are patriotic, it is okay to put the US flag out in front of your house!

Anonymous said...

The real threats come from within these agencies, who all seem to be government gangsters!

Anonymous said...

But they just keep letting all these illegals in, hoping for their illegal votes, all such slaves for Satan!