Monday, August 19, 2024

Elon Musk's Trump Interview on X Spaces

Greg Gutfeld was stunned to learn one shocking truth about Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s been front and center of the American political scene for nearly a decade.

But Trump still has the capacity to pull off a surprise or two.

Elon Musk hosted Donald Trump for a more than two-hour interview on X Spaces.

The two had a wide-ranging conversation that touched on every imaginable topic.

More than 1 million people watched the event live and it generated astronomical engagement on social media as it racked up more than 1 billion views.

And Greg Gutfeld was stunned to learn one shocking truth about Donald Trump.
Gutfeld wrote, “This interview is good. But the bigger story is that two of the most important world figures agree on the world. Whats that tell you? The most consequential technical genius perhaps ever and the most consequential political figure are talking about stuff on equal footing, and Trump knows everything Musk is talking about concerning energy, artificial intelligence and economic development.”
Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But the globalist don't like them because they won't conform to their illogical thinking and how they think it is their right to determine the fate of humanity! God is in control!