Monday, August 12, 2024

Boeing has quality conrol deficiencies/

Things Just Got Worse For Boeing

Boeing was using under-qualified workers to build their rockets for space flight, causing quality control issues, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) report released Thursday found.

NASA audited the Boeing Space Launch System (SLS) project, which has been in development since 2014 and is scheduled to make a flight to the moon in 2028, in order to find out what has caused delays and increased costs, according to the report.

The NASA Office of Inspector General alleged Boeing had a lack of “trained and experienced aerospace workers” working on the SLS, with NASA calling it a major factor in delaying construction.

Efforts by Boeing to provide in-house training have been inadequate, and “significant quality control deficiencies” persisted at the Michoud Assembly Facility, according to the report.

Boeing’s Starliner space exploration vehicle that received 4.2 billion from the government experienced helium leaks and reaction control system malfunctions in June, which stranded two NASA astronauts on the International Space Station. And they have had a few fatal plane crashes.

Their stock price: 52 Week High/Low--$267.54/$159.7

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of companies have quality control issues today, so many, most employees are high, un, lazy employees mostly! No one cares anymore!