Monday, August 12, 2024

Leslie Stahl interviews Nancy Pelosi on Joe Biden Resignation

“Please tell us what you told President Biden to persuade him to step aside,” Stahl began.

“Well, I’ve never shared any conversations with a president of the United States publicly,” Pelosi parried.

“It’s said that he’s furious at you. Is he?” Stahl countered.

“Well, he knows that I love him very much,” was all Pelosi said.

“I understand that you don’t want to own this, but it is so well reported that you were the leader of a pressure campaign,” Stahl persisted.

“No, I wasn’t a leader,” Pelosi denied, adding that she’d rather “say things that [she] didn't do.”

“I didn’t call one person. I could always say to [Biden] I never called anybody. What I'm saying is I had confidence that the president would make the proper choice for our country – whatever that would be, and I said that. Whatever that is, we’ll go with,” the former speaker of the House maintained.

A look of utter shock spread across Stahl’s face as Pelosi refused to acknowledge her role in ousting Biden.


Anonymous said...

They are all so fake, such slaves for Satan! Pure evil!

Anonymous said...

Leslie is also the one who perpetuated the lie about President Trump and Russia collusion and the signatures, how can you trust that witch?

Anonymous said...

She is just another hater, both those ladies are real btchs!