Saturday, September 9, 2023

Biden is totally incompetent especially with his Open Border Policy

Explosive, ammo-filled backpacks found at southern border

In an escalating development at the Rio Grande Valley sector, U.S. Border Patrol authorities discovered backpacks containing ammunition and a homemade explosive device.

Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez, who oversees enforcement operations across a 264-mile stretch between West Texas and southern New Mexico, highlighted the gravity of the situation Wednesday. The revelation serves as a chilling reminder of the security challenges faced by law enforcement along a border region notorious for its control by Mexican cartels.

U.S. Rep. August Pfluger, a Republican from San Angelo, Texas, summarized Ortiz’s testimony, saying, “We have had ground-breaking testimony by Chief Ortiz. He said we do not have operational control of the Southwest border.”


No. of Illegals Under Biden Exceeds Total Populations of 25 U.S. States

They also total more than the individual estimated populations of 100 countries and territories, including Ireland (4.9 million).

Read the data from 13 months ago And as we know, it just keeps getting worse under Joe Biden whose job is to keep our country safe! Our cities are over-run with illegals, drug addicts, homeless and criminals.

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