Sunday, July 7, 2019

Violence against our Public Safety officers

Shock Video Shows Man Charging Cop With A Knife After the Officer Was Shot

"...POTUS made a comment about cop killers that is sure to rile up a few people on the left…

From Fox News:

President Trump said criminals who kill police officers should get the death penalty, returning to his previous calls for harsher punishment.

Trump made the comments during a Wednesday speech for the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Day service on Capitol Hill, an event that honors law enforcement officers who have died on the line of duty.

Trump noted, “The ambushes and attacks on our police must end, and they must end right now. We believe that criminals who murder police officers should immediately, but with trial, get the death penalty.” [Flag & Cross]


Anonymous said...

Wasn't that a law at one time that if you killed a cop you got death?

Anonymous said...

I believe it was. I don't remember getting a memo that it was no longer the case. It's not easy keeping up with our government.

Anonymous said...

The death penalty is wrong and murder and a human has no right, that is up to God. I applaud the President on his stand on abortion, it is also wrong, but both are wrong. Put them in jail for life, but do not use the death penalty in any case in the USA, we all need to rise above that form of terminal punishment, it is wrong and immoral and not up to us, only God. Abortion and the Death Penalty are both forms of murder and should never be used in the USA or anywhere for that matter, it says a lot about a society. It never makes sense why you can be against one, but not the other, the dems are for abortion, but against the death penalty, which is illogical. The repubs usually do not like abortion, yet support the death penalty, but it is wrong. I like the stand of the Catholics who do not approve of either. Please pray to end both in our society.

Anonymous said...

If that suspect was black he would have been dead before he even approached the officer.

That officer made 2 mistakes. Not shooting the suspect sooner and then not finishing him off when he finally did shoot him and he came up again.