Saturday, July 6, 2019

Starbucks Capitulates to Stupidity

Some police officers in Tempe, Ariz., say they were asked to leave a Starbucks coffee shop on the Fourth of July because a customer complained they “did not feel safe” with the cops present, according to reports.

Can you even comprehend the stupidity of that statement? And worse, Starbucks delivering it to these police officers?

Tempe Officers Association
‏ @ToaAz
Don't appreciate @Starbucks asking our #Tempe cops to leave your establishment on the #4thofjuly2019. Several of those cops are #veterans who fought for this country! #ZeroRespect

Five officers were drinking coffee at the Starbucks location prior to their shift beginning when a barista asked them to move out of the complaining customer’s line of sight or else leave, the Tempe Officers Association wrote in a series of Twitter messages.[Fox News]


Anonymous said...

hate starbucks coffee. Screw them.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks is done, along with all businesses run according to what one nut says.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks may wish the Police were there one day.

Anonymous said...

Recall your buddies gluing locks, sabotaging the Starbucks at The Lucerne, throwing eggs a decade ago?!?!? Sure you do, thanks for your support comrade!

Lynn Anderson said...

No one I knew ever did this @10:50pm. Sounds more like the anarchists in this town who did not want a national chain. Conservatives are way too sensible to do a stunt like this. Now, of course, the anarchists are all in one party.

Anonymous said...

Starbucks is doing a great job of sabotaging "comrade" (?)

Anonymous said...

It almost doesn't seem possible that this could have happened. It's not a world I can relate to anymore. I do hope some people in Starbucks get fired over this.

Anonymous said...

So there's no link included to the article but it wasn't a customer that said they didn't feel safe. It was a barista.

And if one barista's opinion is indicative of an attitude throughout the entire Starbucks corporation, imagine the argument one can make about police officers based upon the conduct of 70 officers of the Philadelphia force.

Of course no one would make that argument except people who hate police officers and have an extremely partisan agenda.