Tuesday, June 7, 2016

1 cent sales tax increase - Agreement on Lake Worth's Agenda

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Tonight's commission meeting will once again be very short. There are 13 items on the Consent Agenda totaling more than 1.58 million and only two presentations. A 2nd reading on parking regulations and a resolution to approve them concludes the city business. The city attorney is scheduled to tell us about the tolling agreement with REG Architects. Hopefully, the casino repairs are on track.

One of the items on Consent is an Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County on the one cent sales tax that will be on November's ballot. If you recall, it wasn't too many months ago where Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell had the gavel and would not approve the item being pulled from the Consent Agenda for any discussion. He refused to inform the public on how the money would be distributed or give us any details.

For all of you who have wondered about oversight regarding this money windfall [$2.7 billion] if it passes at the polls--The County, the Municipalities, and the School Board shall each separately provide for the creation of citizen oversight committees (“Committee” or collectively “Committees”) to provide for citizen review of their respective expenditure of Surtax Proceeds,as soon as possible after the Surtax becomes effective, but not later than the date on which Surtax funds are first expended. A Municipality may either participate in an oversight committee created by the Palm Beach League of Cities or create its own committee.

As this item is on the Consent Agenda, I doubt if we will learn Lake Worth's intentions regarding this oversight committee.  I, for one, would be interested as to whom will be watching over this money.


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the original concept of consent items being only housekeeping items?

Lynn Anderson said...

That ended with the departure of Susan Stanton and the arrival of Mike Bornstein.

David said...

Lake Worth Commissioners teaming up with County Commissioners (developer whores, 3 of 5 LW and 5 of 7, PBC) to get a slush fund at our expense. Too much money for either body to control in Corruption County.


Anonymous said...

Vote YES for the one cent tax for infrastructure. The way they are distributing the money is also somewhat unfair. By population: Let's see, what city has a huge concentration of undocumented, un-counted and illegal aliens?

Why should Palm Beach reap any of the money set aside for infrastructure? What part of their population is calculated for purposes of distributing the funds? Seasonal? Homesteaded?

Lake Worth needs this money very badly. We don't want to bond ourselves so a portion of what people purchase all over the county can really help defray the cost of our crumbling infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

Vote YES for the 1% sales tax increase. It'll help fund our much needed road repairs over the next 10 years, it's not enough but surely a big step forward to get our infrastructure fixed.

They are predicting over 100 million visitors to our state again this year and all those tourists spend money. A large percentage of these folks come to Palm Beach county and South Florida. We have about 8 million full time residents in So Fla and just over 20 million in the state... I say let's let the tourists help pay for the infrastructure needed to bring their hotel room water, and the roadways the taxi drive on to get them there.

Anonymous said...

Well said David at 11:13 . NO WAY am I voting to give these elected PIGS any more money to destroy our county with. Anybody stupid enough to push for the destruction of John Prince Park in order to help Corporate BILLIONAIRES the Atlanta Braves is too stupid to be trusted with anything else out of my pocket !!! Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

I'm voting NO since they also are throwing around the idea of taking half our park and gifting a huge new stadium for the Braves @ $110-250 million. If they're so broke, why do they think we can afford corporate welfare for a corporation worth $1.2 billion? No trust, no tax.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting no. I already pay a ton in taxes to County and City. Use the money we already pay in taxes to fix the roads. Sales tax is horribly regressive hurting the poor and middle class most of all.

Anonymous said...

You are incorrect. There is no mention or provision in the sales tax increase proposal that would fund a possible Braves Stadium OR any land grab at any park, including John Prince Park.

Anonymous said...

anon at 1:16, maybe not but it doesn't mean that they won't divert some money to that enterprise. Once they get a hold of it, who knows.