Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hudson holdings --Take down those signs

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"The only motive is to make a better beachfront and downtown for future Gulfstream Hotel guests and the public at large...We don't look at it as a profit center."

 ~ Steven Michael, Hudson Holdings

Isn't that the biggest piece of BS you've ever heard?

I mentioned the illegal sign placement to John Szerdi at Hudson's meeting on Monday night but he feigned any knowledge. Well, you can't know everything, like the beach is not an enterprise zone as stated that night.

Mr. Michael, please respect our code ordinances. Article 5 Sec. 23.5-1. - Signs.9-- Any unauthorized sign on city property is prohibited. So unless you have permission by the City to have signs promoting your development and control of our beach complex, please take down these signs now. Public Works was notified.


Anonymous said...

HH is so desperate.These signs and their mailing are just expamples of that. We need to push them the hell out of this city, dump the CM, and vote out these loosers. We are not going to allow this. We need to join forces to get rid of Szerdi, the CM, and HH, and get them the hell out of OUR city.

Anonymous said...

take down the signs --what about all the other signs for year-but never heard you say take down those signs for elections or anything else--our city is poor--where does the money come from lynn--can will pull money out of cara jennings a--

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:40--i have been writing this blog since Sep 2008. I have written many blogs on signs. Everyone needs to live and work within our laws and ordinances. The city plans on picking up all illegal signs this week. also, political signs have to be taken down within days of the election. In this case, HH put up illegal signs on public property. he is worse than some politicians.
As far as your crude remark regarding Cara Jennings, she is one voice, one vote, among many who feel the same way she does. You insult here, you insult many. Our city is poor, yes. Blame it on Obama or someone who can actually stop this illegal alien invasion.

Anonymous said...

days after election signs were taken down is totally not true --i have seen them many many months later--because we have lazy workers working for city--you should see what they do when at work

Anonymous said...

obama--where have you been --its been happening way before obama--why is everything his fault and nobody else---where is the education on such remarks

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:57--that is very possible as I have seen signs being taken down late as well but it is up to the candidate or the PAC to take them time within 3 days I think it is---would have to look that up. If not, they are subject to a fine.

Anonymous said...

fyi to ANON 2:57, city workers are not allowed to remove signs from private property... that is illegal.

Anonymous said...

HH has done some demo to the pool area and some of the interior but have stopped, they say, because they need an approval from the city. Plans, bla, bla. They really do need to hire the security guard again or a security service to go by once in a while to make sure the place is secure.

Hiring Mike Bornstein is the best thing the city has done in YEARS! He has settled countless lawsuits started before Stanton. He has restored a sense of stability to our peers and neighboring cities and is an enthusiastic active participant in many of our events. He doesn't require a police escort when he goes to any meetings.

It doesn't take a genius to see a set up. If the majority changes, we can say goodbye to Mike. We will be right back to the laughing stock of the county.

The same anarchists that want to get rid of PBSO also want to see the positive changes in the city administration go away. Remember, it is their agenda to see the city fail.

Lynn Anderson said...

No one wants to get rid of PBSO. It is the cost that is a burden to the city. What about getting rid of slum, blight, crime, illegal aliens, etc. and perhaps the cost for PBSO would go down too.
Positive change is good...let's not give away our assets. That's what "positive" means to you--growing buildings taller, not honoring the vote of the people, higher taxes in the form of a bond, wasting millions on infrastructure to attract developers in the POC...made-up stories about Susan Stanton...the list goes on.
Do you ever get tired of the crap?
And we have NEVER been the laughing stock of the county. Stanton did a great job negotiating the water with them. Countless lawsuits settled? Yes, all the municipality deadbeats that did not pay for their sewer...great going giving away taxpayer dollars to get the thing off their plate. This is a negotiating city when it comes to lawsuits. You can be the biggest loser around and the city will give you $$$$$. Let's make sure what happened with Greater Bay does not happen with Hudson--non-performance. Let's make sure that HH does not get hold of our beach.
It is you all wanting to live beyond our means that will kill the city. We have seen that in the budget workshops.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Mulvehill felt so physically threatened that she needed protection to go to your neighborhood meeting, Chip Guthrie, just demonstrates what a bunch of thugs your neighborhood group is.
Mike Bornstein is not very smart, and he's stuck with the dumbest bunch of commissioners we've had in the last 20 years. Your idea of progress is . . . what exactly? Saturday morning junk sales on our downtown sidewalks? Millions of taxpayer dollars spent in the Park of Commerce to enrich property owners there with no hope of recouping for 60 years?
Susan Stanton built a water plant and redeveloped the beach in three years. What has this bunch of dopes done?

Anonymous said...

@5:04 p.m. At least the Saturday morning sales actually sell product..I just saw a poster that Common Ground is Giving Away FREE stuff at their event later this month. Great! All the "houseless" and rehab folks will love getting more free stuff!

Lynn Anderson said...

You seem to be against folks trying to get their lives on track?
The congregation is donating items like sofas, tables, bikes, etc. for others to take if they can use them. The event is on Aug 29 from 9 to 12. It is all about giving and love, anonymous. Churches do that sort of thing regularly.

Anonymous said...

If Common ground is handing out brains, I know a city manager that should stop by,,,,,

Anonymous said...

It is a long flight though from Greenfield.

Lynn Anderson said...

There is only one person totally obsessed about Susan Stanton. He writes horrible things about her all of the time. Actually he has obsessions on several people.
Guess what--Ms. Stanton would never come back to Lake Worth--way too toxic and the same bullies would be around. She likes where she is.