~ Samuel Ferreri
Population Lake Worth: in 2012: 35,786
Population Greenacres: in 2012: 38,467
Lake Worth median household income in 2012: $35,761
Greenacres median household income in 2012: $41,091
Lake Worth Median resident age: 35.0 years
Greenacres Median resident age: 36.3 years
Races in Lake Worth:
Races in Greenacres:
Highschool or higher
Lake Worth: 67.2%
Greenacres: 80.8%
The ratio of number of residents in Lake Worth to the number of sex offenders is 257 to 1
The ratio of number of residents in Greenacres to the number of sex offenders is 1,326 to 1
Lake Worth crime rate
Greenacres crime rate
Budget in Lake Worth: The FY 2015 budget is $30,059,616 which is $2.82% higher than 2014. It reflects the City's efforts in holding the property tax rate flat at 5.4945 mills
Budget in Greenacres: The FY 2015 budget is $28,800,644 which is $3,036,877 more than the FY 2014 budget. It reflects the City's efforts in holding the property tax rate flat at 5.4284 mills
Thanks,Lynn.Some very interesting information!
Now, don't forget, Greenacres mayor agreed with Scott Maxwell and friends to bulldoze John Prince Park for a ballfield.
The mayor in Greenacres has been mayor since 1988. There's one of the big reasons why Greenacres is doing so good. How many mayors and city managers has LW had since 1988? Stability and predictability in government is something that all businesses and investors look at before considering investing in a city. We've finally begun to show the outside world we're serious about running LW like a town instead of a social experiment. That's why we're seeing investments and business starting to come back into LW. Elections have a lot more consequences for the future of a town than just who get's to sit in the big chair and run the meeting. It's more than a popularity contest, it impacts a city for years when the changes.
Ok, now that you got your political pitch in, what exactly has this commission done for stability or done to end the "social experiment" when they have approved of more low cost rentals than any other government thus attracting more poor, more gang bangers, more slum, blight and crime. Even the president of the U.S. is changed every 8 years...thank God.
What investments What businesses? Have you ever considered it is the economy that is attracting that and not this dais that wants to grab the cash?
OK now, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Since Rodney Romano lost his 5th term election for mayor of LW to a political newcomer, kindergarten teacher Marq Drautz, in a runoff election. (The same tactic now being tried to un seat John Szerdi). How many 2 term mayors has LW had since Romano? One? Mayor Pam Triolo. What did Drautz say to the PB Post after the election? Here’s what he said, "I'm not anti-development. Development is not going to stop, but it's going to be a little more guided and a little more cautious." What did that say to those thinking about investing in LW? That said, if you’re thinking about coming to LW; you don’t know what you’re in for. It’s only been the last few years now that we’ve shown we have a more stable and predictable government, so come give us another look. By the way, when LW was afraid that projects like The Lucerne might be seen we’re price some people out of the housing market, Drautz and gang formed the LW Affordable Task Force to mandate that any new development over a certain size had to also build affordable units in the same development. A move to discourage them from coming to LW. The low cost rentals in LW are not the new corporate owned workforce housing units being built around town now. I wouldn’t call $900 to $1,300 rent really low cost. OK, your turn now.
2014 Florida Housing Finance Corporation Family Rental Programs
Income % 1 BR 2 BR 3 BR 4 BR
60% $ 735 $ 882 $1,019 $1,137
80% $ 981 $1,176 $1,359 $1,516
100% $1,226 $1,470 $1,699 $1,895
120% $1,471 $1,764 $2,038 $2,274
140% $1,716 $2,058 $2,378 $2,653
Any Utility Allowances are applied against gross maximum rent.
Don't have time right now to research this at the moment.
One comparison I did not see is the ratio of rentals vs owner occupied. Green Acres seems to be very rental heavy. You would call it "high income" rentals because they are similar to where you live.
But when dwellings are rented, the city receives the taxes for the full value, unlike owners like you and me.
That must be a contributing factor for why they can operate on a tighter budget.
The ratio of sex offenders is troubling.
they appear to be better educated and their yrly income is higher.
Lynn, Darling if you are so in love with Greenacres, why yo sell your lovlyCondo and move there. I am sure you would get top dollar. Just like the owner of a certain B&B believes he will get for his business.
Hey bully, thanks for your very intelligent comment. Ask the mayor about Greenacres--she brought up this very subject at one commission meeting. Maybe you can go through all those videos and find it. XXOO Or perhaps you can spend that precious time getting your GED.
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