Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Candidates

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John Szerdi said, "innovative ideas, not platitudes" but that's exactly what we got and more at last night's Parrot Cove Candidate forum. His vision is to increase the tax base and not depend on the utility so much. He wants to tax you for roads and not honor the vote of the people. Ryan Maier was on top of his "game" and was the best of the bunch.

The Candidates
The Preacher Man
He brought forth the reasons why I am not crazy about formal religion.

Commissioner McVoy had to sit there and listen to one lie after another hurled at him by Jerome who  rambled on having no clue as to what he was talking about...coached by Blackman, Scott Maxwell and the boys.


Anonymous said...

thx for the report Lynn! It would be nice to hear some specifics on why Ryan was on top of his game and what kind of insults Serge was making!

disgusted said...

Szerdi took $1,000 from Benny's on the Beach. Isn't that unethical? The city has a lease with Benny's. Is that pay for play??
And he paid a company owned by Wes Blackman $1,000 with campaign donations. Wes Blackman is the chairman of the Historical Preservation Board, which is pretty much the same as the Planning and Zoning Board. How ethical is that? Should quasi-judicial city board members be paid campaign workers?
These people are all ethically challenged. I thought we cleaned out city hall? The snakes have slithered back in.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about coached, Mr. Serge seems to be quite an independent minded man. Talk about coaching though, McVoy is nothing but a shell of a man, a joke in my opinion. When he talks, you could literally mute his voice and let the earpiece that he quoting do the talking. He's an embarrassment to, well, himself really, but also to our city. And by the way, we need some diversity on that dias. Who needs a heterosexual waspy white man anymore, this is el dub after all. Go Serge!

Anonymous said...

Is Serge Jerome gay? If elected Jerome will be another useful tool,just like John(I'm an architect) Szerdi.

Anonymous said...

Ryan just appears to be pissed off. I didn't see how you could call Serge a "preacher". Is that now some sort of backhanded insult? He simply stated that we got involved with his church. He did not invoke the name of Jesus or God. What is wrong with you? Maybe you were praying for him to shut up since he was doing a really good job of putting forth his vision for what our diverse city would look like with him in a leadership roll. True, he seems more in tune with the light side than the dark side.

Anonymous said...

Jerome comes off as a useful tool who knows absolutely nothing. He should have shut the hell up because he sounded like a complete ass. Mcvoy is a nice guy who even claps for the tool. Szerdi is his normal arrogant self and Ryan comes off as being very informed on the issues. That must really piss you corrupt twerps.

Lynn Anderson said...

Serge Jerome is an assistant preacher at his church, anonymous at 1:22. Begin to know your candidates--who lie and who don't.

Anonymous said...

Serge did a wonderful job last night , I was empresses with his ideas for the City, and his honesty. He is defiantly getting my vote.

Anonymous said...

When Maier was asked “Specifically not generally what is one thing you plan to bring jobs and investments to LW?” A small college? Students could support our downtown bars & restaurants? I don’t know about him but most students don’t have a lot of money and seek out places that have cheep drinks and inexpensive food to cater to that demo group. Paradiso’s and Rustico Italiano will have to hire an armored car service just to carry their daily receipts to the bank twice a day with that shot in the arm. Perhaps he was referring to a barber college or cosmetology school. That comment ranked right up there with R Waterman's comment that we might consider having chicken farms in our industrial Park of Commerce. Even his most ardent supporters could not give him a little show of support after he sat down. The crowd undercurrent spoke volumes about his vision for our city. LW politics never seem to make you say, “Unbelievable!” I’m thankful that was recorded for us to see again.

Lynn Anderson said...

yeah, sort of reminded me of the old Jim Stafford days. :)

Lynn Anderson said...

vision for the city? Well he told us his vision:
Honor the will of the people and the vote.
a small college did seem to come out of left field but it's better than building to the sky or taxing everyone to death to re-do 100 year old roads or pave roads that have never been paved instead of taking care of the ones that need help.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, what are your idea's for redoing the hundred year old roads. I saw you at compass, but you never spoke.

Lynn Anderson said...

It was ridiculous to ask the residents what the city should do to tax themselves. Total BS. Live within the damn budget. OK? Stop the free lunch. Stop the trips to Tallahassee. Stop the waste.

You noticed I didn't speak at compass? What a joke. I do enough writing about these issues.

Anonymous said...

Stop the trips? They're bringing back grants and MONEY???!!!!!! Why are you not getting this?

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, their lobbyist can't do it. This is a crock...politics and holding hands with state legislators. Good luck.

Mike Callahan said...

Tell John Szerdi (un-elected Commissioner) to give up the idea of taking $800,000.00 of our money to use at his own discretion. This is CORRUPTION COUNTY and this idea is a recipe for kickbacks.
We need to elect a new Commissioner, Ryan Maier, to prevent this kind of corruption.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the lobbyist opens the door for the elected officials to visit with and present our legislators with the need we have here in Lake Worth for the State to step up to the plate.

While it is like making sausage, it seems to work.... sometimes. You should be wishing them luck instead of ragging on every move they make.

Lynn Anderson said...

I hope they enjoy their much needed vacation.