Sunday, August 31, 2014

The November Man

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Something about flames

I liked this movie even though it is getting poor reviews. People are overly critical in today's world. I like any message that tells the tale that the good guys win over evil. It was full of action and never a dull moment with 61 year old Pierce Brosnan in a great role. He still has what it takes.

It shows the world for what it is...sometimes even those for whom you think are your friends, aren't.

And for some really HOT stuff, Click here...


Anonymous said...

come on now Lynn, but i have to hand it to you. you are a first class schemer.

Lynn Anderson said...

The ONLY side that was a schemer was the YES side. Look it up and get familiar with the definition.

You know, I can't even write about a thriller movie without BS coming from you schemers." Waz up with dat?

Anonymous said...

People saw through the city's underhanded ways to get this bond to pass. You think Lynn is a schemer for working her butt off and telling the truth? You have no idea about this. The city plotted and contrived and blasted its message far and wide spending tax dollars to do it. They lost because voters didn't believe them and did not trust them. When you consider the cost of the bond and that people involved were going to make over twice the money borrowed, who was the schemer? That answer is simple and apparent and it should be to you, anony.

Anonymous said...

Just saw it ane loved it. You are right in your critique. One thing you didn't say is that you can't trust government, but you know that.