Thursday, August 21, 2014

Is a Legal Opinion Advocacy?

I received a copy of the "13" page legal opinion written by Glen Torcivia on Lake Worth 2020 and why he believes the city's advertising and promotion of Lake Worth 2020 is legal.  This is his interpretation and he is paid to write it.

In actuality it was a two page written opinion.  The rest was a copy of Florida Statutes and 34 more pages of Lake Worth's advertising marketing campaign on the general obligation bond and some legal cases--one was involving a Broward Coalition of Condo Homeowners and Community organizations that was eight pages long. Also attached was a four page letter written in 2012 from the Florida Department of State on advocacy. Legal opinions or any opinion for that matter, can and often are, challenged.

Now here I thought Glen had sweated out hours and hours writing this "brief" and that his opinion was going to cost the taxpayers hours and hours of legal fees.  Nope.  Instead it was just more propaganda that was sent to the Palm Beach Post.

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