Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Cash Grab

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The domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.
(oh, what can I say--go to the bully blog.)

An undignified or unprincipled acquisition of a large sum of money with little effort.
(The effort was the $50,000 money-grab to ensure the humongous money-grab. No one had to walk the streets in 100^ temperatures--they got to hire people.) 

Looking at only one side of the arrange something in a way that is not fair in order to achieve what you want.
(This is what the city has done by its "education" methods. This is what the NAPC did by not allowing a debate on the issue.--no debate is as bad as stacking the deck.)

The common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power. An organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights. and the right to vote.
(The city took $50,000 of the people's money to essentially promote its political agenda.  A PAC was formed that raised nearly $20,000. The opposition ((AGAINST)) did not have an equal PLAYING FIELD to promote the other side of the argument. The city cancelled regular public meetings 6 weeks  before the election so that no one could utter an objection.)

Oppressive power exerted by government. 
(The City of Lake Worth and the Commission is doing this for all the reasons mentioned above.)

If there is no trust, why would anyone give them $63.5 million bucks unless there is more to the story.


Shirley said...

Yes Lynn, it is all about a cash grab, on top of it, these folks think most of the public is stupid and do not care or want to be involved. I applaud all LW citizens who do care and do not allow these leaders to treat citizens like imbeciles. So many of the rich, wannabees, or power hungry love to abuse their power and take advantage of the common man. Our city and a lot who are in power here treat the public like crap, taking advantage of them, and abusing them. The truth will prevail and love will win over all this evilness of the ones in power here, the greed, corruption, the dishonest approaches, they assume no responsibility, just walk over anyone caring only about themselves. Very sad!

Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, right. I go commenting to myself all day long. Do you realize that some people actually have a thought of their own? Stay away, grow up, take a hike and get lost. I actually agree with the poster at 1:54. But what he/she failed to suggest is that there is a crowd of mean people in this city of which you are one.

Anonymous said...

OK so now it appears you NO people won. What did you win? Will you step up to the plate to offer any viable solutions to our admittedly deteriorated infrastructure or do you advocate just letting it continue to crumble and only fixing the worst problems with patches?

This election made for the most uncomfortable bedfellows. The hard left, people who want everybody else to pay for the improvements were on the NO side of a very socialistic proposal and many of the hard right, conservative NO NEW TAXES bunch were willing to bite the bullet for the betterment of the city, taxing themselves quite harshly.

Lynn, had this passed, you would have barely felt it. The Trailer Park owner would have had to up his lot rent $7 a month for each of his 335 lots.

The NAPC had nothing to do with a debate. Someone not even affiliated with the Presidents' Council suggested they host a debate. The NAPC was never consulted.How could the NAPC possible have stopped ANY debate?

Anonymous said...

off topic but how bout the city posts a pie chart online showing where all the money goes?then you could actually get an idea where it's all going to.I asked an employee at the treasures office and they just laughed and said no,we dont have that...

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:07...thanks for your analyzation of who voted. I am a conservative and as such have said from day one that it should have been a smaller plan for a shorter term. As far as the far left and "socialistic" proposal, socialists/communists usually want everyone to pay the same. I don't think it had anything to do with socialists as they are few in this city. I agree that some of the more wealthy in this city voted for the tax increase but we have no idea that their motives were genuine as you imply about them biting bullet.

Anonymous said...

The NAPC had nothing to do with a debate. Someone not even affiliated with the Presidents' Council suggested they host a debate. The NAPC was never consulted.How could the NAPC possible have stopped ANY debate?

LIAR,LIAR,pants on fire! The NAPC said NO WAY to this debate.They have debated issues in the past BUT NOT THIS ONE !!!! It would have gone against the city issued blackout order against the 'against' side. Which was actually a blackout of the cities OWN INFORMATION before they decided to CHANGE the facts every couple of days !So- NO MORE DEBATES EVER for the NAPC to host. BY THEIR OWN REQUEST !!!! Some neighborhood presidents must be weeping over the loss of 800,000 to play with.

Anonymous said...

And as posted in the immediate preceding comment about knowing if their motives were genuine, that exact same concept applies to all 'Against' voters. We have no idea if their motives were genuine, regardless of what was stated.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well just tell me, anonymous at 1:21am, what exactly would AGAINST voters get out of this? money under the table for voting against? Planners, contractors, engineers and the like padding the against voters wallets? WHAT?

Anonymous said...

The same thing you accuse the yes people , You could have been bribed by the investors who want to keep this
Little seaside town unbelievable under valued.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, I don't know of any deranged people who voted AGAINST who (number one would even think of a whacked idea such as you just threw out there but (secondly even have the money to bribe a dog cAtcher. What a wild idea. We can see who has the money and who doesn't.

Dream up a better one, anonymous at 10:20...go back to your playbook of deviousness.