Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lake Worth Herald

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Maybe Mark Easton, third generation publisher of the Lake Worth Herald, must have read the Palm Beach Post wherein it stated:

"Under the plan, (Lake Worth 2020) property taxes rates could rise by 35 percent, making Lake Worth's rate by far the county's highest. The resulting jolt to the city's economy will likely drive up rents for businesses and renters, which could lead to some businesses closing or looking elsewhere to open up." Palm Beach Post, August 12, 2014

"...Underneath that surface, the flaws aren’t hard to find: high taxes, high crime, high poverty, low education, low city employee morale...just to start the list." Palm Beach Post, June 26, 2013

It is too bad that a newspaper, so biased as the Lake Worth Herald, can with a straight face, accuse those against the general obligation bond of lying and "scaring the hell out of unsuspecting voters" never giving one example to support the outrageous allegations.

Easton came down unfairly hard with his snide Pelican Pete statement (without mentioning his name mind you but everyone involved in the bond issue knows who he was speaking about) on successful businessman Dennis Dorsey, a Lake Worth High School graduate, who has done so much for this city and who is Treasurer of Citizens Against Unfair Taxation PAC.  Easton has even gone so far as to tell those who are opposing this huge money-grab to either "love it (Lake Worth)  or leave it."  I have been in Lake Worth since 7th grade...I do love it and do not want to see debt that is so exhorbitant that could very possibly put us in a precarious and dangerous situation, not only for our city but residents and businesses alike. A smaller amount of money was asked for (about 1/3rd the existing bond amount) but the city wouldn't hear of it.

The Lake Worth Herald building For Sale
Lake Worth's oldest business. First publication was May 23, 1912
one year before the city incorporated


Frank said...

Chris Persaud, the PB Post reporter, has said the figure of 35% that you quoted from his 8/12/14 article was incorrect. So that argument doesn't play very well. Just because the building where the Lake Worth Herald is currently located is for sale does no mean the newspaper is for sale which seems to be your implication. And how can selectively reprinting parts of PB Post editorial endorsing the bonds so voters would think the Post opposed the bond issue be in any way transparent?

Eileen said...

Too bad for the Lake Worth Herald, it was always strange how they worked with the Coastal Observer, they would distribute the Coastal Observer free to many homes east of Dixie, but not west, as if those people didn't matter. Years ago a writer there Parrish did some really unethical photos and writing with a neighbor friend of mine to make then mayor Rammiccio look good for a re-election when she wanted nothing to do with politics, the Herald did some dirty dealings like some do, the Palm Post has too. A lot of newspapers are paying for all the nasty unethical things they have done in the past toward good citizens.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, Wes at 12:34. You are always looking to re-write my blog. Read it again. I said that the BUILDING was for sale. Not to worry.

Anonymous said...

Eileen - So a neighbor friend of yours does some unethical political writings.... Strange choice of friends. And you want to comment on others behavior?

Anonymous said...

They are moving to a bigger building in Lake Worth where they'll pay higher taxes. Feel better now Lynn?

Lynn Anderson said...

Heard they were going to RENT in another bldg in LW.

Frank said...

Lynn - Wrong again. I am not Wes although I do read his blog.

Frank @ 12:34 PM

Anonymous said...

Good riddance! I won't have to bend over once a week to pick it up.

Anonymous said...

All that newspaper does is float down to storm drain and clog the grate during A rain storm so the street floods!