Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Chameleon Charlie Crist

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Charlie was "for" it before he was "against" it--now all he can do is stay in a personal attack mode. That's what happens when politicians have nothing else to offer.

Before Charlie switched parties and did an about face on all his "values," Kevin Jackson from The Blacksphere said,
The epitome of a Liberal politician: a self-serving, unprincipled hypocrite with unlimited arrogance and zero character. Ole Charlie is “thinking about it,” where “it” in Charlie-speak means he wants to see which party is trending upwards before he decides on which one he wants to play for. Sounds like Charlie Crist is bi, as in bi-political.

Yes, when it comes to politics, Charlie can go either way.

I think he should announce that he’s a Spanish speaking, gay, black, transgender who feels that he’s trapped in a woman’s body and that he hates the rich in spite of being fabulously wealthy himself. That should cover enough pandering and hypocrisy to make him an official Liberal and likely Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Or he could say he's against women, against civil rights, against immigration reform, and against any social programs.

That way he can stay a republican.

Lynn Anderson said...

First of all, Republican is capitalized! :)
Next, you just confirmed my argument that you guys have no argument and resort to personal attacks and/or lies. Poor Charlie. It must be hell being elected on lies and going from a conservative with some values to a Dem with none, never knowing what in hell you really believe or who in the heck you really are.

Anonymous said...

gov scott is a criminal his own company committed fraud and paid a heavy fine ---get rid of the gop--and if your a women pray they lose