Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Daytime "Rape" in a Lake Worth park

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Pervert can't keep his pants zipped.

Read about the low-life here


Anonymous said...

The gays in John prince Park can't keep it in their pants either. they have individual stalls off main paths between the main park and the campground. The police are well aware and there have been stings...but, it still continues. I saw my 70 something gay neighbor wandering around there,(and cruising Bryant Park too) stumbled upon the stalls(bleach, anyone?), found notes, seen men(only) waiting amongst the trees, and informed police. What are we to do? Are gays given a free pass to defile our public lands??????

Weetha Peebull said...

Thank you for stating the obvious!
There are male prostitutes TOO! Why does the Sheriff seem to only notice and focus on the women?

Then there is the huge problem of "Prostitution", that is the OLDEST KNOWN PROFESSION in History; what are we going to do DIFFERENTLY to stop it?

And how is it different that our elected reps can get on their knees, (hire lobbyists @ $5K A MONTH)and beg GRANT GRANT GRANT for money? At least a prostitute dresses for the job and makes a straight forward transaction!

We will obey all the laws when our elected do and I doubt it will happen before. New ordinances are no more than word salad and should be tossed. GOV places themselves ABOVE THE MORTGAGE or any LIENS and is NOT A SOLUTION but an "Act of Pretended Legislation".

Every time we accept grant money from the Fed Gov it IS PRINTED from nothing and MAKES the dollars in your pocket WORTH LESS!

Economic Development - pfffffft!
Do as I say, not as I do - TRUTH!
So who are the real rapists and thieves? Ask the Pirate - maybe he knows! NOT!