Friday, August 9, 2024

Waltz's Lie was Scrubbed

Harris campaign scrubs Walz bio to remove 'retired Command Sergeant Major'

VP nominee has fallen under scrutiny for referring to himself as a retired command sergeant major when he was only conditionally promoted to the rank but failed to perform the training necessary to permanently obtain it before retiring as master sergeant in 2005.

Why do Democrats continually lie?

Walz's original biography on Harris' campaign website called him "the son of an Army veteran and a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard himself," according to an archived version of the page.

The current version of the website, however, calls him "the son of an Army veteran who served as a command sergeant major."

Read about Walz

So, now we have the end of that lie!


Anonymous said...

They lie because they are slaves for Satan, the devil is very deceptive! The Dems are slaves very obvious!

Anonymous said...

Already starting with lies what a sin, how can we trust these goons?

Anonymous said...

All they all do is lie, Kamala, the SS, and FBI, look what revolver news found about the pipe bomb hoax on J6: