Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tim Walz, Left-Wing Maniac

A CNN host accidentally let the cat out of the bag on one bad secret about Tim Walz

Democrats can usually count on the media to serve as their public relations team.

But every so often, they tip their hand.

And a CNN host accidentally let the cat out of the bag on one bad secret about Tim Walz...Harris picked a Bernie Sanders clone as a running mate.

Vice President Kamala Harris completed the Democrat Presidential ticket when she picked Minnesota Democrat Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Axelrod said that Walz should come clean about his previous mistakes to disarm those attacks.

“You don’t look at this guy in any way, shape, or form and say, ‘boy, this guy looks like a raving left-wing extremist.’ He doesn’t sound like it, he doesn’t talk like it,” Axelrod said.

Harris picked Walz because he’s as big of a woke extremist as she is but looks like an unassuming midwestern dad.

Read more about Walz

Personally, I do believe he looks and acts like a left-wing maniac. He calls himself a "progressive," the same thing as a Communist. Kamala sure can pick them.


Lynn Anderson said...

Start viewing him with open eyes and ears and you will figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Mala too, both are whack jobs, demented, demonic slaves for Satan! Who can support baby killer supporters and pushing gender operations on teens, they are sick puppies Lynn!

Anonymous said...

Anyone supporting Dems today, have to be a hater, deranged, and a complete slave for Satan, they are sick , nothing healthy about this group, mentally deranged!