Thursday, August 8, 2024

Tim Walz and his Alt-Left Leanings and Policies

Tim Walz’s Record

Tim Walz is in lockstep with Kamala Harris’ out-of-touch and dangerous national Democrat agenda of open borders, sky-high inflation, and policies that are hurting hardworking Americans.

Time and time again Walz has put supporting the disastrous policies of national Democrats over what’s best for families including supporting a failed economic agenda, overseeing drastic public safety failures, and advocating for dangerous, open border immigration policies.

While Walz will try to sell himself as a relatable moderate, his record shows that he consistently backs the most liberal policies that national Democrats have to offer and will be in lockstep with the Democrat agenda that has already failed Americans.

Read Tim Walz's record... the guy who called Joe Biden "America's hero"... this will knock your socks off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He sounds like he lies a lot just like lying jo, both in bed with China too, not impressed!