Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala's V.P choice

Kamala Harris’s Controversial VP Pick Heavily Criticized by Liberal Van Jones

In politics, timing is everything, and Kamala Harris just hit a sour note. Now that she’s officially the Democrats’ 2024 nominee, everyone has been eagerly waiting to see who she’d pick as her running mate.

It’s no small decision—her choice would need to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters while energizing the party’s base. But her recent decision has left many scratching their heads if not outright fuming.

Harris had the option to pick Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, a strong, moderate leader who could appeal to swing voters in crucial states. However, the far left quickly criticized Shapiro for being “too Jewish,” a shockingly offensive and narrow-minded critique in this day and age.

Instead, Harris caved and chose Governor Tim Walz, a move that’s sparked controversy and anger from all corners of the political spectrum.

The frustration isn’t just coming from conservatives. Even liberal commentators are expressing major concerns about what this means for the Democratic Party.

Read more about it...

But Kamala as V.P. has ne
ver made any good decisions, so what's new?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both are slaves for Satan, let's face it the only one who can save the USA is President Trump!