Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dereliction of Duty in Secret Service

Secret Service Agent Faces Scrutiny After Leaving Post To Breastfeed During Trump Rally

A Secret Service agent’s decision to leave her post without permission to breastfeed her child just minutes before former President Donald Trump’s arrival at a North Carolina rally has raised serious concerns about the agency’s readiness.

The incident, which occurred on August 14 in Asheville, was reported by Susan Crabtree of RealClearPolitics, citing multiple sources within the Secret Service.

The agent was found in a secure room intended for emergency operations, feeding her child along with two family members who had bypassed security checkpoints.

The timing of the incident could not have been worse, as it occurred mere moments before Trump’s motorcade was set to arrive.

The site agent, who was responsible for overseeing security at the event, discovered the agent’s absence while performing a final sweep of the venue.

Read about it...

Dereliction of duty is a failure to perform assigned duties in a satisfactory manner.


Anonymous said...

Further proof that women need to be in the house taking care of their children and housekeeping and NOT working. This DEI garbage has gone far enough. In the 50's and 60's we never had this kind of problem. We need to go back to when women did what they were capable of doing and were best at: housework and family matters!

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL @6:20 but this woman should not have been on the secret service detail with her baby. UNREAL!

Anonymous said...

The Larry elder show and Greg Kelly today said that the ex FBI head was good friends with dick Cheney and he was the one who wanted President Trump dead him and his daughter liz hater who lost her seat.

Anonymous said...

ur funny 6:20 but ure also right. until women in America rediscover their true purpose these things are going to keep happening. TG trump has not hurt. stop putting women where they don't belong!