Sunday, August 18, 2024

Chinese Communists setting up shop across our northern border

Canadian Mounted Police Fight Chinese Communists Just North of US

Just north of New York state, in French-speaking Quebec, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is facing the scourge of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) harassing Canadian citizens and residents.

They are also guilty of engaging in unlawful foreign election interference and influence operations.

The RCMP (also affectionately known as ‘Mounties') is Canada's national police force also akin to our FBI. “‘They have, for example, initiated patrols in the streets of Montreal, where the [Chinese] community is located, in Chinatown, when it was reported to them that some people were trying to intimidate the community and shop owners.”

The RCMP is a national police force and the program is geared toward identifying and combating CCP harassment and political interference in Canada's Chinese expat communities, starting with Quebec. they have even set up their own police stations there.

The United States is also facing a similar CCP scourge in some of our major cities. Maybe we should be applying similar practices here. But under Biden/Harris and their operations in blue states, it goes ignored.

Read about it...

Christopher Wray told a U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee at a hearing,"I'm very concerned about this. We are aware of the existence of these stations in our country," acknowledging but declining to detail the FBI's investigative work on the issue.

"But to me, it is outrageous to think that the Chinese police would attempt to set up shop, you know, in New York, let's say, without proper coordination. It violates sovereignty and circumvents standard judicial and law enforcement cooperation processes."

Crazy things are allowed in blue cities in our country. but the craziest thing of all is the Biden/Harris administration allowing illegals who are criminals and terrorists to enter our country.

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