Friday, February 23, 2024

Road Re-surfacing on Lake and Lucerne to take about one year

$5.4 million resurfacing project set to roll across downtown's main avenues after Lake Worth Beach Street Painting Festival

LAKE AND LUCERNE avenues will be covered with colorful murals this Saturday and Sunday when more than 600 artists scrawl chalk masterpieces on asphalt at the annual Lake Worth Beach Street Painting Festival.

Two days later, the artists will be replaced by construction workers launching a $5.4 million road resurfacing project — a ‘street paving festival’ of sorts — that will cover a 2.3-mile stretch of the main downtown avenues with fresh layers of asphalt.

The work will last about a year and be done in phases, starting Feb. 27 with the construction of new sidewalks, curbs, lighting and guardrails on the north side of Lucerne Avenue at Golfview Road.

Crews will work their way west, redoing sidewalks, curbs and lighting on both avenues in sections, a process expected to take about six months. By the end of summer and early fall, the actual road resurfacing will begin.

Read Joe Capozzi's article


Anonymous said...

Fresh layers of asphalt don't last very long, especially with the materials they put in the mix. There's hardly any asphalt, but lots of cut up tires.

For about a week they look nice, and then they just turn gray again.

For a bumpy ride, drive south on Lakeside from Lake to 5th Avenue.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice if somewhere there was some pictures of the sidewalk festival painting

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for all this interruption