Monday, February 19, 2024

FBI Agent sentenced--He's a liar, a cheat, a traitor

FBI Special Agent Who Investigated Trump-Russia Hoax Faces Additional Prison Time

Former high-ranking FBI official Charles F. McGonigal, who played a key role in the controversial Trump-Russia collusion investigation, has been sentenced to an additional 28 months in federal prison.

All told--he serves 6 years!

The 55-year-old faced consequences for not disclosing $225,000 received from an Albanian businessman linked to the Albanian government.

McGonigal previously served as Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s New York Field Office, overseeing counterintelligence investigations and other duties. In September, he admitted to receiving cash from an individual he traveled internationally with; this person later became an FBI informant in a case overseen by McGonigal.

*He played a significant role in initiating the investigation overseen by special counsel Robert Mueller into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election, which was ultimately dis-proven.

This inquiry, aimed at uncovering purported attempts to influence the election, became one of the most controversial investigations of a sitting U.S. president.

Read more about this sorry guy


Anonymous said...

Tucker had a nice dinner date with Maria Butina? The enemy has infiltrated every facet of society.
Butina made headlines when she was charged in 2018 with scheming to infiltrate powerful conservative circles, including the National Rifle Association, to influence US policy in Russia's favor.

In 2019, Butina pleaded guilty to conspiring to act as an unregistered foreign agent in her attempts to forge ties with influential conservatives and gun rights activists.

Lynn Anderson said...

Didn't know Tucker met with her...good for him.

Hey, did Hunter ever register as a foreign agent?

Dan Volker said...

Real news occurs when all sides of an issue are researched, and is best when the key people involved are interviewed. Democrats and leftists appear incompetent to understand this, and prefer their NEWS to only show Interviews by those aligned with them....With a leader of a world power like Russia, Democrats would typically NOT want to have Putin interviewed, but instead, just tell the story from their limited perspective. Democrats get outraged when conservatives interview all sides of an issue, and spread real news that could negatively effect their political narrative.