Tuesday, February 27, 2024

25th Amendment

25th Amendment Push Intensifies Against Biden

"Members of Congress continue to suggest that President Joe Biden should be removed under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution—even after a psychiatrist who led a national movement to oust his predecessor called cognitive decline “normal.”

Special counsel Robert Hur issued a report earlier this month finding that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials,” but recommending against prosecution because of Biden’s “diminished faculties in advancing age and his sympathetic demeanor.”

“It is sad that it got to this point, but America desperately needs capable leadership in the White House,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, told The Daily Signal in a written statement. “The safety of our country is at stake. Democrats who constantly strategized to remove Donald Trump from office outside of the electoral process seem strangely quiet now that their guy is clearly asleep at the switch.” [Daily Signal]

“The same people who questioned President Trump’s mental stamina after he passed a cognitive test are now defending Biden’s mental acuity—even after the report indicates serious concerns over his cognitive abilities.”

This explains the 25th Amendment when Democrats were on a crusade to get rid of President Trump even though he aced the cognitive test whereas Joe Biden refuses to take one.

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