Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Zelensky continues to blame West

Pointing fingers and biting the hands that feed him

Zelensky Blames West for His Failures – Claims We ‘Waited Too Long’ to Send Weapons

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, their counteroffensive isn’t working because they were waiting “too long” on western countries to send him weapons and aid.

“We waited too long,” he replied when asked to reflect on the progress of the spring counteroffensive against the Russian occupation as we now near the end of summer.

I supposed the BILLIONS in aid and weapons already provided isn’t enough, huh? Zelensky is one greedy son of a B****.



Anonymous said...

I don't know what to think about this guy

Anonymous said...

Give give give it's all we ever do when we're going to take care of the people in the US first

Anonymous said...

Zelensky is such an ass. Only the US would be conned by a drone like this.

I mean, look at him, a regular Rumpelstiltskin.

Anonymous said...

North Korea agrees, so does Iran and Somalia and the rest of the USA haters. Nice company you genius’s keep

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:29...Zelensky has strategically deployed emotions among his fellow Ukrainians, Russian foes and Western supporters, you being one of them.
He wants a no-fly zone over Ukraine...trying to pull us into World War III aside from the millions he has stashed away in off shore accounts, it has been said.
How many billions more do you think we should spend to protect his border when we totally, 100%, ignore our own borders causing a dangerous crisis in our country with God knows who is entering our country.

Anonymous said...

You're the genius, 9:29

I'd like to hear your plan.

The only countries that side with us, are the countries that can't stand on their own, and have to kiss up to the US, since the end of the war.