Sunday, September 17, 2023

Ukraine, Zelensky and Joe Biden

Prosecutor Accuses Biden Of Attempted MURDER

Joe Biden has been under fire lately for his reported involvement in pressuring the Ukrainian government to remove former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin from office.

In a meeting of foreign policy specialists, Biden bragged about strong-arming the Ukraine government to fire its top prosecutor. He further suggested that Barack Obama was aware and had a hand in the threat.

It has now come to light that Joe Biden had Shokin fired likely because he was investigating his son Hunter Biden. This revelation has sparked outrage amongst many and is seen as an abuse of power by some.

Democrats have been on an international smear campaign to try and discredit Viktor Shokin’s reputation since the news first broke out.

In response to these reports, Viktor Shokin filed a complaint against Joe Biden for interference in Ukraine’s legal proceedings.

To make matters worse, it was revealed that Ukraine launched criminal proceedings against President Joe Biden on allegations he pressured authorities into forcing the resignation of Shokin.

As Ukraine is as corrupt as our present government, this will go nowhere. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is expected at the White House and on Capitol Hill next week as he visits the U.S. during the United Nations General Assembly.

Zelenskyy’s trip comes as Congress is debating President Joe Biden’s request to provide as much as $24 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine as it fights the Russian invasion.

Read about it...


Lynn Anderson said...

To the Democrat who has no other argument but go after my age.
It's not even Joe's age that is a concern. It's what's between his ears.

Anonymous said...

Crooked jo