Thursday, September 14, 2023

Trump will testify in upcoming scam Trials

Up-coming Scam Trials

In the coming months, perhaps years, Donald Trump will face trial after trial. These court cases were concocted by Democrats, who appear to be trying to stop him from winning the election. The media has already ruled him guilty. Leftists are just waiting for the day he is thrown into jail.

But most Americans doubt the left’s claims. And Trump refuses to go down without a fight.

Trump dominated in the cut-throat world of New York real estate (back when New York wasn’t a dumping group for illegal aliens). He faced off against all sorts of enemies and knows a thing or two about courtrooms and legal battles.

Do you really think he’s afraid to stare down these Democrats and their claims?

The major things against him this time are the left-wing prosecutors, the liberal juries and Judges who have the same goal--bring him down.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Well if I say my properties are valued at 12 million dollars but they're actually only valued at 8 million and I get a line of credit for 12 million I'm defrauding the banks

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:37...Look at PAPA. See what they value your property for. It is probably, without a doubt, worth much more.
A government appraisal vs a private appraiser, the value could be very different.
So, it's just a Democrat anti-Trumper opinion and just something to indict him on.
Banks have their own appraisers and certainly not going to loan millions on one owner's say so. The real world is not that stupid.