Friday, September 15, 2023

"Right To Read"

Senator John Kennedy Reads Aloud from Contested LGBTQ Books in Live Hearing

Democrat Calls It “Disturbing”

Senate Democrats held their hearing yesterday on “book banning” to try to demonize and intimidate parents.

The hill they chose to die on was putting filthy material in elementary school classrooms and it blew up in their faces.

Making the point for parents across this country, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana read excerpts from two of the most contentious books talked about in school board meetings from coast to coast.

I cannot publish the words he read from these “YA” (young adult) books found in school libraries because the content is so graphic in nature that its inclusion would violate the brand safety and content policies of nearly all online advertisers and platforms including Google, Facebook, etc. The same blue chip and Silicon valley companies that support and even donate to leftwing politics and policies.

But read it for yourself

Or view it for yourself-- Video on X


Anonymous said...

Yes, very disturbing that Democrats allow this sort of thing for children to read

Anonymous said...

Many years ago: The Catholic League of Decency banned the book, Forever Amber.

Lynn Anderson said...

That book was not pornographic. Customs and culture has changed a lot in 80 years but porn is still taboo.

Anonymous said...

Just comparing where we were then, to where we are now. I think that book was made into several films. Personally, I never read it.

Then there is James Joyce' Ulysses, and who could forget Lolita.