Sunday, September 17, 2023

Marijuana and Chinese organized Crime

Chinese Mafia Is Taking Over Rural Oklahoma

The Wall Street Journal reported that 4,271 Chinese nationals crossed the southern border between October and February. The number was more than 10 times greater than the same period the previous year.

It all started in 2018 when the state of Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana.

Once the law passed, legal and illegal dispensaries popped up everywhere.

“We’re seeing issues in my state of Chinese nationals being shot execution-style in grow operations,” said U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla.

Officials have found that Chinese organized crime taking advantage of cheap land and lax growing requirements are fueling the black market. Of the 6,300 licensed marijuana grow farms almost half of them are under investigation by the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics.

This article appeared five months ago so the situation is getting worse, not better.

Medical use was legalized in Florida 2016 by way of a constitutional amendment. Medical marijuana for general use is on the ballot November 5, 2024.

The ballot seeks to legalize marijuana for adults age 21 or older for personal use, to possess, use, process and transport marijuana, marijuana products and accessories. Existing Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers would be authorized under the initiative to sell marijuana to adults for personal use.



Anonymous said...

this is all crap.if people want a joint they are going to get itlegalize it then legalize the collection of taxes on it.maybe if there wasnt so much black market on pot we could get black market guns under control.think a little positive about something for a while

Lynn Anderson said...

Don't believe in drugs and marijuana is a gateway drug.
Why don't you just get smart for a change?

Anonymous said...

you take so many drugs from doctors thats just an excuse

Anonymous said...

cigaretts are a drug booze is a drug.i would rather have pot legal than not

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:49...that's your argument?

Anonymous said...

The only positive thing about marijuana, is that it is positively a gateway drug.

You may not want to believe that, or deal with it in your little world, but take it from the experts. Nobody starts out their career to drug addiction on heroin. Either the doctor gives them pain meds, or they start smoking weed when they are about 10 or 12 years old.

It's not all about you.

Anonymous said...

Marijuana has mind-altering compounds that affect both your brain and body. It can be addictive and it can lead to harder drug use.

Anonymous said...

Sad our society has to be high all the time instead of turning to God and praying the rosary, our country needs our prayers, marijuana causes birth defects in babies, it doesn't matter if the man or women have used it, it should be banned like abortion in a so call humane civilized society.

Anonymous said...

Educate yourselves!

Anonymous said...

whats the matter with you sister is 70 smokes pot since 16 no other drug not even booze.booze causes more adicted babies than pot.guess its the fake news so go get your shot which you dont know whats in it

Lynn Anderson said...

This blog is about the Chinese buying up United States property and having grow farms for an illegal substance.
So, there is nothing the matter with "you guys."

Anonymous said...

I had an uncle with arthritis who used to smoke medical weed for the pain. In two months, he graduated to fentanyl and then to heroin. He almost overdosed a couple of times.

Then one day he got in a car after a couple beers at a local bar and drove his car into a tree and was killed.

The lesson is that alcohol kills and drugs don't.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:09...As said, it's a gateway drug. Drugs were still in his system as he was an addict. Sorry he was killed.