Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Joe Biden is Rotten to the Core

MASSIVE Evidence Uncovered of Biden’s Involvement and Knowledge of Hunter’s Influence-Peddling and ‘Brand’-Selling

Following the opening of a formal impeachment inquiry this week by House Republicans into President Joe Biden, the White House and their allies in the Democratic Party and media were swift to reject the probe as lacking merit.

However, evidence supplied from the House Oversight Committee’s prolonged investigation appears to demonstrate that Hunter Biden was engaging in unlawful and unethical practices, selling access to his father – then-Vice President Biden – for countless foreign business partners in exchange for tens of millions of dollars channeled through a complicated web of LLCs and shell companies.

Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that Joe Biden himself was both aware of and benefited from his son’s controversial foreign business activities – something the current President has consistently misrepresented to the American people for years.

Read more... about the most corrupt President in history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with Democrats?