Saturday, September 9, 2023

He might have won Pennsylvania but he's still a Loser

Fetterman Dare To GOP Is Going To Backfire On Him

Following reports that House Republican leaders are pushing to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden this month, U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., had some words for his GOP colleagues Wednesday: "Go ahead, do it. I dare you."

Fetterman, who spent six weeks at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center earlier this year seeking treatment for clinical depression, told a small group of reporters in his Capitol Hill office that such a move would only be a "big circle jerk on the fringe right" but added that "sometimes you just gotta call their bulls--t."

It doesn't get much worse than being crude and challenged.

Read about the big guy from PA

And while you're at it, look up the phrase "circle jerk" to understand what I mean about crude. Democrats excel at crudity.

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