Friday, September 1, 2023

Finding the Truth

Coming Full Circle

The statement below has been on the right side of my blog for years. And I am posting it here to the Marxist crazy who continues to hound me and today saying I was a Democrat all of my life and calling me a loser. Hardly. His comment which was of course, anonymous: You were a democrat for your whole adult life till a few years ago and you voted fir Barry Obama do sit down loser! Hahahaha!!!!"

We must be getting to those liberals by exposing all the corruption as that is when you get hate comments. Finding the truth takes a lot of time, reflection and understanding.The Democrat party has changed from the days of JFK. It is now nothing more than socialists, communists, Marxists and Globalists who hate America, as Mark Levin would say.
As a voting adult, I started off as a Republican and during the Nixon regime, I realized that I was really a Democrat, back when Democrats had common sense and integrity and cared about the common good of all without the selling off of America. I changed my Party to reflect those views.

Having been a Democrat for many decades now, I have come full circle and have seen the erosion of principles for which I thought the Democratic Party stood. It's a pity that it took most of my life, until 2008-09, to realize how wrong I was.
Lynn Anderson


Anonymous said...

When a large group of Democrats charge up the steps of the US Capitol Building and assault federal law enforcement officers in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election in America, you might be able to make an argument that Democrats are anti-democratic traitors who hate these United States and half the people in them.

But until then, the name-calling and the hateful characterizations of Americans that hold different political beliefs than you do are a little more than icing on a cake that you all display to the world every single day.

Lynn Anderson said...

Democrats forget the riots of 2020 in particular where many innocent people were killed and buildings burned to the ground by liberals which was a stain on our democracy- political violence, demonstrations, and other anti government developments in the United States.
Nothing was done to these people as they took over cities and terrorized people.
At the Capitol, no one was killed but one unarmed former service member, Ashli Babbitt. People to this day are still in a jail in Washington D.C. with no due process. This was a protest with a few people who got out of control.
One of the Proud Boys who was sentenced yesterday to 10 years, raised his fist and said "TRUMP WON" AS HE WALKED OUT.
The head of the Proud Boys will be sentenced on 9-5 and he wasn't even at the Capitol.
The only people name-calling are Democrats. Please buy Mark Levin's new book about to come out, "Democrats Hate America." You might learn something.