Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Extortion and Honest-Services Fraud upheld on Appeal

Michael Avenatti loses major appeal that would have reduced his prison time

Michael Avenatti is best known for his legal representation of adult film actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against then U.S. President Donald Trump, his outspoken criticism of conservative politicians, and his conviction for attempting to extort sports apparel company Nike. [wikipedia]

His appeal involved Nike.

It's difficult to believe, at this point, that disgraced former high-profile lawyer Michael Avenatti was once a presidential candidate promoted by many in the mainstream media. Remember the brainless on The View?

The insipid Ana Navarro at The View

Avenatti's life is much different now as he faces ongoing legal woes, prison time, and a major loss in his latest effort to convince a court to reduce his jail sentence for his case involving the extortion of Nike for millions of dollars.

Avenatti's latest defeat comes just three years after he was convicted in the case of "extortion, wire fraud and transmission of interstate communications with intent to extort."

Read about the lowlife...

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