Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Even Hannity is not getting it right!

Vivek Ramaswamy left Sean Hannity stunned with one big admission

RINO's, Democrats and even conservative news hosts are either lying or getting it totally wrong.

Sean Hannity tried to take Ramaswamy to task for Ramaswamy’s position that America could cut foreign aid to Israel if Israel and its remaining Middle East neighbors agreed to a new version of the Abraham Accords.

The Abraham Accords were the historic peace agreement Donald Trump struck where the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain agreed to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel.

Ramaswamy’s point was that if the United States could strike a new version of that agreement between Israel and other Middle Eastern countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, it would eliminate the threat Israel faced from its Arab neighbors.

At that point, America would reduce foreign aid to Israel.

Read more about it...


Anonymous said...

this guy sure has all the answers

Anonymous said...

They don't call them Talking Heads for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hannity didn't do so well with Gavin Newsome either. Hannity plays to people's ego. If they go beyond that to issues, he is somewhat less effective.

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:25...Gavin Newsom is a slick talker with all the talking points down pat. He comes out looking like some sort of saint when we know his blue State is f=d up. He skirted around a lot of Hannity's questions.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Lynn, but Hannity should be prepared for that sort of thing.

I doubt if Tucker would be thrown off balance by Gavin.

I don't know how people can think Gavin is handsome. Too me, he looks like a very large frog. He has a very big mouth. Literally and figuratively.

Why didn't Hannity concentrate on the homeless in SF and other places in CA.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:13--Hannity tried, but Gavin kept diverting back to what he wanted to talk about. Dems are good at this.

Anonymous said...

Well, he tried, but ultimately, he failed to get the best of Newsome.

That's pitiful for the money he makes.

Lynn Anderson said...

Newsom would not allow him to control the interview...it was really something!