Thursday, September 28, 2023

DeSantis and Newsom to debate

Fox News revealed on Monday that their own Sean Hannity will oversee a debate between Florida's Republican Governor and presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis and California's Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom.

This clash of red vs. blue states is scheduled to broadcast for 90 minutes at 9 p.m. ET on Nov. 30, taking place in Georgia. Notably, this occasion will be the inaugural debate between these two influential governors.

Now who thinks Newsom doesn't want to be President? I guess he wants to ruin this country even more than Biden has done.

Watch the video with Clay Travis and Buck Sexton.


Anonymous said...

I like Sean Hannity, but I wish he was not hosting the show. He interrupts guest and talks over them to much.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:33...I agree. He loves the sound of his own voice. I find myself saying often, "Shut up Sean." He does a 4 hour radio show where he does nothing but talk...he can't help himself.
Actually, it is a stupid idea to have them debate.
DeSantis will not be the GOP presidential candidate.
Newsom very well could be the DNC him free air time is obnoxious because this guy lies and has ruined his state of California. But he's slick and has a great smile.