Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Oh no, another Covid Vaccine Mandate?

Biden Admits Plans for New COVID Vaccine, Mandates for All

Just in time for the election--He won last time on Covid

Nearly a year after President Joe Biden declared the COVID-19 “pandemic” to be over, he has announced that he is planning a new vaccine and possible mandates for all to take it.

On Friday, Biden stated that he plans to request money from Congress to develop a new COVID-19 vaccine, noting that he may require everyone to take it…..whether they previously received one or not.

The topic came up when a reporter asked Biden if he had any comment on the “uptick” of COVID cases and an alleged new variant.

“Yes, I can,” the president replied. “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.”



Anonymous said...

Forget it. Won't wear a mask or get a vaccine.

Anonymous said...

There never was a vaccine mandate for the average citizen. That's part of the reason why over a million Americans have died. Recommending people get the vaccine, which is what Trump and Biden have done, and requiring it are two separate things.

There won't be any I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Don't wear a mask. Don't get a vaccine. Smoke until your heart's content. Drink bleach. Eat McDonald's every day for dinner.

Do it. No one really cares.

Lynn Anderson said...

@11:09--nasty piece of work--
President Biden issued an order in August 2021 requiring all federal employees, as well as all employees at the Veterans Administration, to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or undergo a strict testing and masking program.

Dan Volker said...

If you don't know that the vaccine was a colossal failure and that it has severely injured over a million people, you are a fool, or you watch only CNN for News...Apologies for being redundant :-)

Of course, it is not really a vaccine, but rather, Gene Therapy. It was not tested as vaccines have always been tested, and it has since been scientifically proven to be dangerous.

It is also known that this "vaccine" does not prevent a vaccinated person from catching covid ( just makes it less severe).... AND, Vaccinated people can pass the Covid virus to non-vaccionated healthy people that had not been exposed previously to the virus. Read that again! Vaccinated people could kill non-vaccinated people that had co-morbididites and no previous exposure or immunity.

And, the immunity of a person that had Covid naturally, is much higher than that of a vaccinated person.

Anonymous said...

You're a fool 11:09. Now go drink some Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Don't take it, Dan. It's a free country. But please stop whining about it. Let other people do what they want to do and you can take your Ivermectin and hydroxy or anything else you want to do. No one cares. Just do it and stop whining. Please.

There was no mandate for the average citizen, Lynn. Prove me wrong.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:09...true, no mandate for the "average citizen" but this article is saying he wants a mandated vaccine for all

Anonymous said...

The only person whining is you at 6:09

Anonymous said...

Lynn...Biden's words quoted from the story you link to...

“Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added."

Recommended is different than required.

Anonymous said...

To 6:09 ...I plan on complaining every time a liberal communist like you LIES about the Vaccine. Many teachers were forced to get vaccinated or lose their jobs. There were many other job types that were forced to vaccinate, including actors and camera crews in Hollywood. Your lie is disgusting as it helps push the narative that Biden is not involved in destruction of the 2 party system in America, and it helps people to not see his actions as the mouthpiece of an authoritarian Democrat party intent on Fascism at a level even Hitler never dreampt of.

Anonymous said...

@8:41, so I'm a "liberal communist" if I got vaxxed and I like facts? Okay. Tell me, what lie did I tell?

Again, the people who don't want the vaccine, don't need to take the vaccine. It's a free country. Studies have shown that they die at a higher rate than the vaccinated but that's their choice. It's like the people who refuse to wear seat belts. Don't wear them. I could care less.

You seem to want to want to argue with me because I don't care what you do with your life. Which is weird.

Lynn Anderson said...

The CDC admits they only get about one in ten reports of deaths or adverse reactions to the covid vaccine. And that's what they admit to.

Anonymous said...

Great, Lynn. Don't. Take. It. I don't care. Find as many reasons as you can not to take it. I don't care.

Make your choices and do want you want based upon any information that you want to use. It's a free country.

One of the great things about this country is if you want to walk up to 12th floor of an apartment building and throw yourself off a balcony because you don't believe in physics, you can do that.

I'm trying to figure out why this is so tough for you all to understand.

Lynn Anderson said... must care--you keep responding. LOL

Anonymous said...

its amazing how many people have all the answers for everything cuz they r.ead it on the internet.this might not have anything to do with a do we know what they want to put in us.maybe some of hunters white snow

Anonymous said...

Well, I DO care about facts which is something you could care less about, Lynn.

There were no vaccine mandates for private citizens. There never will be.

And yet, your post will forever say there were. Who cares whether you're being truthful or honest, right? What a way to write a blog.


Lynn Anderson said...

@2:45---Are you Joe Biden himself?
The article said: 'On Friday, Biden stated that he plans to request money from Congress to develop a new COVID-19 vaccine, noting that he may require everyone to take it…..whether they previously received one or not.
MAY. ok?
So, go somewhere else and be obnoxious.

Dan Volker said...

Many people were mandated to get vaccinated or lose their job. A good government would have invalidated this, but a fascist state like the Biden dictatorship liked the mandates.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:35...already said that. Thanks for your constant harassment. Really appreciate that you feel you must always be right. :)

Dan Volker said...

To moron at 8:35...Quoting Propaganda Headquarters, News briefs/propaganda narratives as if they were a reliable source of TRUE information is beyond deluded. How can you possibly not know of the "Vaccinate or lose your job" mandates, or not realize that such threats are tyrannical...and in this case, NOT based on science but instead on a political objective to destroy America's middle and working class power.