Saturday, August 26, 2023

Biden grabs 1.3 million acres of land for a national monument.

Biden’s Monument Sparks Outrage from Furious Rancher: ‘This Is Not Right!’

Chris Heaton, a Utah rancher, claims that the new Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni — Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument not only threatens his family’s ranching operation, that has run since the 19th century but could harm the environment and lock up energy sources.

The 1.3 million acres of land that Biden is trying to set aside for the new monument stretches from California to Utah and includes some of the most valuable grazing lands for cattle ranches. The designation would place restrictions on how these lands can be used, making it impossible for ranchers to continue operating as usual.

This decision has caused a huge uproar among many rural Americans who depend on ranching to make a living. Some have called this a “land grab” by the federal government, while others see it as an infringement on their rights as American citizens.

The hell with the middle class

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