Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Biden finally got to Maui

Biden arrived two weeks after the disaster. As Biden was entering the incinerated city, he was greeted by hecklers saying F you.

Joe Biden arrived in Maui and got off to a disastrous start by either forgetting people's names or mangling their names. However, by far worst of all is that Biden claimed that former Hawaiian Senator Daniel Inouye who was born and raised in Hawaii was actually from Japan. Although Senator Inouye passed away in 2012, he was so pissed off about this that if you listen very very carefully you might hear him angrily call Biden a liar from the grave.


Anonymous said...

Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on 9/20/2017. Trump made a 4-hr visit on October 4th. He threw out rolls of paper towels to the victims.

Maybe you weren't outraged at this because you don't even know that Puerto Rico is part of the US...but it is.

Lynn Anderson said...

This is about BIDEN, not Trump.
In case you forgot, Puerto Rico was sent billions after the hurricanes.
As far as the TP goes, the crowd wanted him to throw it to them.
You know, find something else to bitch about and stop getting your "facts" from the left wing media..