Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Trump on the Upswing

Our economy is struggling, and inflation is crippling

The poll finds 66 percent of Americans believe the economy is either fair or poor. Compare that to the economic highs we achieved under former President Donald Trump.

Most importantly, American pride is on the downswing. Trump’s agenda aided American pride and bolstered our spirits. On the other hand, Biden has repeatedly caused us to be a laughing stock on the world stage, whether in his disastrous handling of the crisis in Ukraine or the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

President Biden is putting America last, and we the people feel the effects in our daily lives. There is very little that is redeemable in the current administration, very little of the true, the good, and the beautiful we saw exhibited under the helm of Donald J. Trump.

Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't care who the next president is we need to stop letting these people into our good old USA ... We have families that are struggling that are sleeping in tents in the woods because they can't afford rent and groceries stop giving these foreigners money stop giving free aid all these countries and start helping the United States of America