Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Trump dropping all association with ATT


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey, Lib--you think that's funny? Many people are outraged and are dropping Direct TV

Lynn Anderson said...

"AT&T's DirecTV cut Newsmax's signal, immediately shutting the network off from more than 13 million customers of the satellite service, DirecTV Stream, and U-Verse.

This is the second time in the past year AT&T has moved to cancel a conservative channel, with DirecTV deplatforming OAN in April."

This is another "woke" corporation that believes it is too big to fail.

Dan Volker said...

In the late 1930s, prior to the start of WWII, the National Socialist Party of Germany removed all producers of news they did not CONTROL, AND provided the German people with news that explained to them what their opinion should be on all issues the party in power cared about.
Today the Americana Socialist Party, has even more control of the news and propaganda than did Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.
If you think what is happening with Newsmax is not important then YOU have a lot in common with the German people that allowed the Nazis to commit great evils. Is this who you are?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here actually read why DirecTV is dropping Newsmax?

Newsmax wanted DirecTV to pay a higher carriage fee to carry the station and DirecTV didn't want to have to pass the higher costs on to consumers so they opted to drop them. That's it. So now Newsmax has made it into a case of censoring versus a business decision by DirecTV not to pay Newsmax a higher fee.

Don't believe me? Here's the reporting. Don't believe CNN? Find your own right wing news outlet.


Lynn Anderson said...

I honestly do not think that anyone hear reads CNN, anonymous at 10:19. But there is always two-sides to every story. Newsmax demanded a fee—as other major news channels do in order to supplement advertising revenue. ATT said "no."
So, they dropped two conservative channels. They came to a stand-still. Negotiations ended and ATT dropped their channel.

Anonymous said...

OK. So taking your version of the issue...do Republicans want to force AT&T to pay Newsmax more for their programming? Is that what the "Party of Small Government" is about now?

AT&T made a business decision which they have the freedom to do. Now people in the government want to force a private company to pay more for programming simply because it fits their narrative.

That's not America. That's some third world banana republic or Russia. But it's not America.

Lynn Anderson said...

Totally believe in capitalism.
The issue here is that they did not give the same deal to OAN and Newsmax that they have for others.
So, is it just a corporate business decision not based on conservative censorship?
OAN, Newsmax and conservatives have a different opinion than do the liberals who want conservative censorship.

Anonymous said...

This has zero to do with capitalism. This is about the freedom of a company in the USA to decline to pay a higher carriage fee to a station that is not worth the extra money. Is the government really going to force a private company to pay more to such a station? What if Newsmax keeps underperforming but keeps asking for more money? Is the government supposed to step in and demand payment simply because the station is "conservative?"

And this is all coming from people who supposedly want smaller, less intrusive government...except when they don't.

Dan Volker said...

To anon@9:04
This is NOT about the price Newsmax was asking for -- this is about a ridiculous imbalance of Leftist News media networks over conservative networks, and of the left deciding they can remove conservative news outlets and prevent the masses from hearing the conservative side of an issue, against the lies of the left.

This is the left and the powers that control the puppet Biden, deciding to remove more of the conservative voices---this leaving the left ( the globalists) more ability to convince most of America what their opinions on everything important to them should be.

Anonymous said...

Dan...take a deep breath. Newsmax wants to charge DirecTV a higher carriage fee. Newsmax doesn't want to pay it because they don't want to raise their prices and because they don't feel Newsmax is worth it.

Are you saying the US government needs to step in and force DirecTV to pay Newsmax what they want? Are you kidding me? Why not tell Newsmax to back off and not demand a higher carriage fee until they get better ratings and they're worth it?

You guys complain about government tyranny all the time. THIS is tyranny for the private businessman in the US.

Lynn Anderson said...

Direct TV dropped OAN because they accused them of spreading misinformation about the pandemic and the 2020 election. That is a fact.
They are giving the excuse about dropping Newsmax because of low viewership.
They don't want conservative news.
This is censorship on their part, not tyranny on the side of conservative news. They weren't asking for anything different than what any other news outfit was getting.

Dan Volker said...

The anti-socialist members of the US government need to stand up AGAINST the actions of the families that own the major news networks...A historically uneducated bean counter might think this issue is about the recent price and contract claims...It is not.

Try to remember what you were taught a long time ago, in school, about the dangers presented by monopolies.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous, when you try and post here as anonymous and personally attack me as well as other posters, your post won't get any visibility in the future. Get a Google account and post under your real ID.