Friday, January 20, 2023

Spending Millions to find Billions

Pentagon is in HOT Water After Failing Fifth Audit and Losing $220 Billion in Assets

If you weren’t convinced that there is something drastically wrong with our government, then let me give you just one more reason that you can be sure that it is.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on Tuesday that uncovered the Department of Defense’s (DOD) fifth consecutive failure to pass an audit. The agency was unable to document or account for at least $220 billion in government-furnished property, according to the Daily Caller. Despite being mandated by federal law since 1994, the DOD had long ignored this directive due to its colossal size, reported

This past November saw the Pentagon fail its fifth audit after it could not validate 61% of its $3.5 trillion assets. To complete this year’s overall audit of the department, 1,600 auditors were gathered and numerous site visits, both physical and virtual, were conducted over a span of 220 and 750 visits respectively. An estimated cost of $218 million was expected for the entire endeavor.

Read about it...

Where are ya, Lloyd? Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is on a mission to indoctrinate America’s Armed Forces with both the “critical race theory” and “gender identity,” both based on Marxist ideology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our govt is so Fd up