Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Debt Ceiling: Financial Responsibility or Political Bias?

Biden Makes Ridiculous Demand, McCarthy’s Response is EPIC!

House Republicans are on the brink of a critical budget battle with the Democratic-led Senate and Joe Biden. At stake is the debt ceiling, which sets the maximum amount of money that the federal government can borrow.

Republicans have asserted that any boost to the debt limit should be accompanied by spending cuts in order to diminish future deficits. However, Democrats argued that this is simply a ploy by Republicans to use the government as leverage in their negotiations.

In an informal press conference held outside of Capitol Hill, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy remarked that Biden’s refusal to even negotiate conditions for raising the debt ceiling was “arrogant,” noting how discretionary spending had increased by 30% within four years under Democratic control, compared to no increase during Republicans’ eight-year rule.

Read about it...

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